Dr. Carlos Maltzahn is the founder and director of the UC Santa Cruz Center for Research in Open Source Software (CROSS). Dr. Maltzahn also co-founded the Systems Research Lab, known for its cutting-edge work on programmable storage systems, big data storage & processing, scalable data management, distributed system performance management, and practical reproducible evaluation of computer systems. Carlos joined UC Santa Cruz in 2004, after five years at Netapp working on network-intermediaries and storage systems. In 2005 he co-founded and became a key mentor on Sage Weil’s Ceph project. In 2008 Carlos became a member of the computer science faculty at UC Santa Cruz and has graduated nine Ph.D. students since. Carlos graduated with a M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Colorado at Boulder.

His work is funded by nonprofits, government, and industry, including NSF OAC-2226407, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation G-2021-16957, DOE ASCR DE-NA0003525 (FWP 20-023266, subcontractor of Sandia National Labs), NSF OAC-1836650, NSF CNS-1764102, NSF CNS-1705021, DOE ASCR DE-SC0016074, NSF OAC-1450488, and CROSS

For more details, see his homepage and his vitae.
