Pankaj Mehra

Pankaj Mehra

President and CEO

Elephance Memory, Inc.

Pankaj Mehra is President and CEO of Elephance Memory. A contributor to InfiniBand 1.0 spec and an inventor of the first RDMA persistent memory devices and filesystems, Pankaj is a systems and software practitioner who conducts his research at the intersection of infrastructure and intelligence. He is a co-author/co-editor/co-inventor on 3 books, and over 100 papers and patents, and a builder of systems that have won recognition from NASA, Sandia National Labs, and Samsung Electronics, among others. He was a VP of Storage Pathfinding at Samsung, Senior Fellow and VP at SanDisk and Western Digital, WW CTO of Fusion-io, and Distinguished Technologist at HP Labs. Pankaj has held faculty positions at IIT Delhi and UC Santa Cruz.
