Contemplating a new Compute-Memory Hierarchy through the lens of an Acceleration Programming Interface

Computational I/O Stack Workshop, August 17, 2023

Simple enough to describe in one sentence, the theory of operation of XPI, an interface that targets acceleration starting to show up in and near memory and storage devices, revolves around three core concepts. First, an infrastructure abstraction that uniformizes disaggregated infrastructure. Second, a new abstraction for comprehending an application’s data spanning the full richness of modern memory and storage systems. Third, an abstraction capable of supporting the offloading of interdependent parallel computations with set-valued dependencies. The talk is motivated through the upcoming upheaval of memory hierarchy in data centers and concludes with a call to action for industry and academia participants alike.

Pankaj Mehra
Pankaj Mehra
President and CEO

Pankaj Mehra is President and CEO of Elephance Memory. A contributor to InfiniBand 1.0 spec and an inventor of the first RDMA persistent memory devices and filesystems, Pankaj is a systems and software practitioner who conducts his research at the intersection of infrastructure and intelligence. He is a co-author/co-editor/co-inventor on 3 books, and over 100 papers and patents, and a builder of systems that have won recognition from NASA, Sandia National Labs, and Samsung Electronics, among others. He was a VP of Storage Pathfinding at Samsung, Senior Fellow and VP at SanDisk and Western Digital, WW CTO of Fusion-io, and Distinguished Technologist at HP Labs. Pankaj has held faculty positions at IIT Delhi and UC Santa Cruz.